Concerts are great because you get to be in the presence of your favorite musicians and watch and hear them do what they do best. They could be from Iceland but here they are, in your hometown, performing just for you. At least, that would be ideal... but it almost never happens (except that one time with Jack and the Bear in a tiny bus... but I'll get to that later). The reality is you're with hundreds or thousands of strangers packed into a room. Though every crowd is different and has its merits and faults, I've found that you're guaranteed to find the same types of people, no matter where you go.
- Girls standing at the front of the stage. They got to the venue hours early just so they could be close to their favorite band (also, possibly, because they're short and that was the only way they could get a good view). Usually these girls are nice and just really excited to see the band. They can be seen singing all the words to every song, taking loads of pictures, and grappling for a setlist at the end of the night. They don't really dance crazily because they're pressed up against the stage with nowhere to move. I've been there. Actually, I'm often there. Excited + short(ish) + reeeeally want good photos.
- Moshers. A row or two back, and they toe the line between enthusiastic dancing and actually crashing into people and being generally scary/obnoxious. What side of the line they're on depends on how drunk they are (or if they're at a Strokes show). Which leads me to...
- People who are drunk before the opener even comes on. Why did you pay to come to this show? You won't remember it very well tomorrow. Also, please don't throw up on me.
- Tall guys who let you stand in front of them so you can see. Class acts. We need more people like this in the world.
- Tall guys who form a mountain in front of you. These mountains continue to plague me.
- In-and-outers. They come through the crowd after the show has started and stand right in front of you (you waited hours for this spot), in the dead-middle of the packed crowd. Then they push past you the other direction, only to come back twenty minutes later during your favorite song with some beer and stand directly in front of you like a huge, annoying mountain. They drink their beer, leave again, and come back. Lather, rinse, repeat.
- Fans about to pass out from heat/dehydration/exhaustion. Commonly seen at festivals being pulled out of the pit by stage security.
- People that show up after the opener is done. Their loss, because sometimes they miss someone really amazing such as Laura Marling, The Head and the Heart, or Walk The Moon, to name just a few great openers I've seen.
- People who don't actually know the music but tickets were cheap and it's a fun Tuesday night out. Actually, I should be one of these people more.
- New concert friends. Usually you start talking to the people near you because you're both bored in the interim between the opener and the headliner. You discuss what shows you've been to, how much you know about the band you're about to see, etc. Often your friendship ends when the show does, but sometimes if you're lucky, you've actually made a good friend and future concert buddy. Success!
Anyone I'm missing? Any genre-specific concert-goers? I'm guessing you get some great people at death metal, trance, or polka shows.